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Aug 29, 2019

Regional Victoria is the stand-out market in Australian real estate.
For the past two years many of the strongest growth markets in Australia have been found in Regional Victoria.
The regional centres of Victoria continue to provide a series of buoyant markets where demand is strong, vacancies are low and prices are...

Aug 28, 2019

Many of the nation's strongest growth markets are in Regional Victoria, including Mitchell Shire - towns like KIlmore, Seymour and Wallan north of Melbourne.

Aug 26, 2019

The biggest single cause of the housing affordability problem is the high cost of creating new dwellings. New research shows that government imposts are the biggest single element of that cost.

Aug 26, 2019

There has seen an upsurge in confidence around property investment in recent months. Lower interest rates, easier finance through APRA's changes and newly-legislated tax cuts have built on the positive momentum created by the Federal Election result. The impact of these events has been seen in improved auction...

Aug 22, 2019

The Ryder Report is our bi-monthly nationwide review of Australia's various property markets.