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Mar 26, 2018

Terry Ryder from Hotspotting discusses the misleading month to month data that you seemly must irgnore.  

In this episode Terry covers:

  • The dangers in reading into short term month to month housing price changes
  • Detailed analysis of recent month to month price data and the media's related misleading reporting
  • That monthly changes in house prices are erratic, confusing and ultimately meaningless
  • Case study of Melbourne where a price report for November 2016 claimed Melbourne house prices had dropped 1.3% and media shouted that the boom was over, however the following month after a 3.3% rise was recorded at which point the media report the boom was back on. 
  • Further examples of the media's lazy and misleading reporting on real estate data
  • How rises of 0.1% across a month are merely statistical aberrations resulting from dodgy data

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