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Sep 12, 2017

Today we chat about the Cheapies with Prospect reports produced by the team at Hotspotting.   

Affordability is the market's key issue, placing increasing focus on the cheaper areas of our cities and regional areas.

The areas we term the Cheapies with Prospects are those that provide affordable housing and strong economic drivers to underpin growth in values. They are the areas with the best potential to evolve from ugly ducklings into real estate swans.

In this episode

  • The difference between the cities and regional areas and why two different reports are created
  • How first home buyers and investors can benefit from the Cheapies from Prospect report.
  • Why spreading of risk in real estate is sensible investing
  • Case study of why Moreton Bay in the City Edition is a good example of a Cheapie with Prospect area
  • The trend towards regional investing
  • Why areas like Armidale feature in the regional areas report
  • Key areas to look at when selecting a regional area to invest in such as culture, government investment and the local economy.

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